Can you be too anxious for hypnotherapy to work?
Hypnosis is not about relaxing, although that is a commonly used method to attain a trance state. However, it is a fallacy that you need to be able to relax in order to benefit from hypnotherapy.
Hypnosis is not about relaxing, although that is a commonly used method to attain a trance state. However, it is a fallacy that you need to be able to relax in order to benefit from hypnotherapy.
Hypnotherapy and NLP are both therapies that use trance language patterns.
The EFT tapping techniques are a series of astoundingly fast and easy processes can help just about anyone to achieve genuine freedom from the emotions that have created problems in their lives.
Counselling and Psychotherapy are very similar in a number of ways. Counselling, in specific situations, is offered as part of the psychotherapy process; and a counsellor may work with clients in a psychotherapeutic manner. Confused much? Psychotherapy, generally, requires more …
What is the difference between Counselling & Psychotherapy Read more »
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